Abstract submission and requirements
The Conference organizers are pleased to invite speakers and poster presenters to submit an abstract online before August, 29, 2024.

Please follow this guidance:

- Abstracts must be submitted in English.
- File name should be the surname of the presenter.
- Each registrant can submit only one research abstract for evaluation.
- The same abstract should not be submitted by different delegates.
- Abstract size including references is limited to one A5 page (200-350 words).
- Page Layout should be as follows: Top – 2.5 cm, Bottom – 2.5 cm, Left – 2.5 cm, Right – 2 cm.
- The title of the abstract should be in bold, font 10, Times New Roman, centered.
- Authors’ names separated by commas in font 9, Times New Roman, centered.
- Affiliations and e-mail of the presenting author in font 8 Times New Roman, left.
- The text of the abstracts in font 9 Times New Roman, justified. Figures are not allowed*. References in the text, if present, should be indicated by a number in square brackets, e.g. [1]. References should be numbered in the order cited.
- References section (if required) in font 8 Times New Roman. The correct format for references is the following:
1. Article: author, title, journal (year), doi (8 pt)

*For the invited speakers the abstract size is unlimited and abstracts can contain figures.

All abstracts submitted will be screened for relevance to the scientific content. Abstracts not meeting the quality standards will not be accepted.

Please use the template below for preparing your abstract. You can also find below an example formatted in accordance with the requirements.

Abstract template (docx)
Abstract example (docx)

By submitting the abstract you agree to its publication and dissemination in electronic and printed form.
Please upload your abstract as a docx file here:
Document size no more than 30Mb. File name should be the surname of the presenter.
The submitting can be performed by registered participants only. If you are not registered yet, please fill in the form here.
By submitting the Abstract you also confirm that it contains no confidential information of either commercial or governmental origin and you and your coauthors are fully and explicitly allowed to publish it by the corresponding authorities from your employer institutions.
Please note that the abstract subsmission deadline has passed and we cannot guarantee review and acceptance of your abstract.