Short communications

The Organizing committee invites all participants to submit a short communication (3000-5000 words, 1-3 figures) written in English for publication in the Special Issue of the journal “Membrane and Cell Biology” (indexed in RSCI, Scopus) devoted to conference. The Special Issue will be published by May 15, 2025.

The submission is valid till November 15, 2024. All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed.

The guidelines are attached.

File name should be the surname of the first author. Please upload your manuscript as a .docx file here: *
Document size no more than 30Mb. Obligatory fields marked with *.
By submitting the Publication you also confirm that it contains no confidential information of either commercial or governmental origin and you and your coauthors are fully and explicitly allowed to publish it by the corresponding authorities from your employer institutions.